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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Impact of Gst on Fmcg Sector Essay Example for Free
Effect of Gst on Fmcg Sector Essay At first imagined to be set up by April 1, 2010 the GST would bring about a significant defense and disentanglement of the utilization charge structure at both the middle and state levels by supplanting all focal and state level aberrant assessments, for example, esteem included expense (VAT), extract obligation, administration charge, diversion charge among others carry help to the basic man. GST: An Executive Summary GST is the most aspiring roundabout assessment change in India at any point endeavored and expects to make one â€Å"borderless local market†. It will burden utilization as against â€Å"production†which is the current standard. A uniform rate will be forced on an item just a single time, at the purpose of its gracefully, hence diminishing the expense for buyers. Key advantages: If GST is actualized without numerous exclusions and with a solitary rate, the accompanying advantages will gather: * Macro: Successful dish India execution will include 1-1. 7 % to the GDP and lift the expense/GDP proportion. * Micro: Incidence of assessment will descend if there should be an occurrence of produced products. Be that as it may, if there should arise an occurrence of administrations the rate and inclusion of assessment may rise bringing about more significant expenses. Industry: Volume development will collect as frequency of tax assessment is limited. Likewise, gracefully chain efficiencies will accumulate as there will be no requirement for various stations and distribution centers. Driven by developing utilization in rustic and semi-urban regions, the quick moving buyer merchandise (FMCG) showcase is relied upon to twofold from $14. 7 billion of every 2008-09 to $30 billion out of 2012, as indicated by an investigation named â€Å"Prospects in the FMCG sector†, discharged by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham). The Indian FMCG division is the fourth biggest segment in the economy with a market size in overabundance of $14. 7 billion. An entrenched circulation arrange, serious rivalry between the sorted out and sloppy portions portray the segment. GST is an assessment on utilization, and since FMCGs structure the center of the utilization bushel, the area would be observe intently behind its usage. The area will undoubtedly observe numerous gainers and closers, contingent essentially upon the base and paces of the GST. As of now both focus and state charge rates differ focal worth included expense (CENVAT) obligation shifts from 0-14 % (decreased to 8% under the monetary upgrade bundle) and the state VAT changes somewhere in the range of 0% and 12. 5%. Signs are that the joined focus and state GST on FMCGs could go somewhere in the range of 12% and 14%, whenever applied at a solitary rate. In light of present conditions, the absolute weight on FMCG’s ought to remain roughly equivalent to under the current structure. Be that as it may, it would prompt simplication in the assessment structure and would relieve the debates identifying with order of merchandise into different duty rate classes and assurance of plant cost for utilization of CENVAT. Be that as it may, if food and other essential necessities were to be absolved or made available at a lower rate, at that point the standard rate for different merchandise and ventures could be pushed up to 18% or more. This could prompt questions on grouping of products to the two rate classes. Leaving aside the issue of rates, numerous advantages are to be acknowledged as for rearrangements of the gracefully chain which are summed up accordingly: Impact of GST on the FMCG Supply Chain: The acquaintance of GST is normal with manufacture top tier ability in flexibly chain just as individuals capacity and improve India’s cost administration position by dispensing with wasteful aspects in flexibly chain and tax assessment: * Multiple Route-to-showcase models: Upto 35% decrease conceivable so as to-advertise. Improvement of Supply Chain: With the end of focal deals charge, producers could actualize an incorporated warehousing and dissemination focus and need not set up appropriation terminals in singular states and make between state deals by means of transfer specialists. * Elimination of Tax Cascading: Currently, FMCG vendors can't guarantee a credit for the administration charge paid on their data sources. Limitations additionally apply on guaranteeing credits for VAT on inputs other than merchandise for resale. Decrease in Inventory Costs: Currently, the CENVAT is remembered for stock expenses, as a result of which the vendors costs increment. Under the new structure, the GST paid on stock would be completely recoverable as info charge credit, lessening the stock financing costs. * Cash Flow profit by charge: The vendors would gather GST from their clients as they make deals, however would be required to transmit it to the legislature just toward the month's end or the quarter, when they record their profits. This additional money buoy would resemble a repetitive premium free advance from the legislature each quarter. These advantages would be then given to the client as Potential Price Reduction which are portrayed beneath: ( Under two situations of 14% and 16% Excise Duty) Direct Impact on Logistics with stream down advantages for FMCG: The expense of coordinations in India is about 13% of the GDP, among the most elevated on the planet. This higher coordinations spend in India is ascribed to the wasteful aspects in the framework which are relied upon to be discarded the new tax assessment system. The past system has brought about a chaotic and divided warehousing industry requiring smooth out of the coordinations business forms. The GST would affect the Logistics part as under: * Consolidation re-appropriating in warehousing: Achievable because of intrinsic preferences of low fixed costs, low work of labor and regulatory exertion. * Reduction in number of Distribution Centers (DC’s): Post GST, state explicit dispersion habitats are required to change to local DCs. The result of this would be less DCs of bigger size, more worth stock and a higher number of trasactions. Improvement in Quality of Services: Costs reserve funds can be utilized to improve the nature of administrations and the use of bigger line pull vehicles, bigger loads and cross docking. * Alleviation of complexities in documentation and bury State hindrances: Through a uniform and consistent use of CGST SGST hopeless expenses, for example, Central Sales Tax (CST), complex documentation of entomb State de velopment of products, passage boundaries at state fringes bringing about long transportation times and burden of nearby collects, for example, section assessments and octroi upon physical passage of merchandise into assigned regions should be possible away with. Investigation: So as to fulfill the arrangement of client needs through its items and administrations, the organizations working in the FMCG space need to accomplish a consistency between their Business Strategy, Product Development Strategy, Marketing Sales Strategy and Supply Chain Strategy. As distinguished before, the gracefully chain procedure which rotates around Operations, Distribution and Service is equipped towards cost initiative by the execution of GST, all while improving nature of administration. In the FMCG area, there is a requirement for a productive gracefully chain as shopper merchandise commonly portray unsurprising interest, clarifying their low edges. GST encourages us accomplish in this manner by reducing complexities characteristic in the current assessment framework. Office Network Design Considerations: Increase in the quantity of offices increment costs related with stock, setting up of extra offices and transportation. As examined before, the end of the Central Sales Tax can enable the business to move in the direction of solidification of stockrooms and dissemination focuses, lessening the quantity of offices and in this way the general coordinations costs. Same directly affects reaction time, and the reserve funds acknowledged by office decrease alongside the different course to-showcase models that have opened up, could prompt a 35% decrease so as to-advertise. Suggestions: Based on the optional information gathered, and the ensuing investigation of the FMCG area the accompanying proposals have been organized to assist the strategy producers: * Extended date of usage: Setting of the cutoff time as October, 2010 rather than April 1, 2010 would enable the Center to understand any debates identified with its execution with the States prompting a perfect turn out. Expulsion of arrangement among products and ventures: To guarantee there are no grouping debates, prompting more complexities and postponements. * Removal of existing zone based exceptions: the current zone based exclusions in regard of CENVAT ought to be suspended and if need be an immediate speculation connected money endowment might be given to help the business, for adjusted territorial turn of events. The thought is to not break the GST anchor with respect to both CGST SGST. A portion of the alternatives around re-building the flexibly chain would identify with choices on indigenous supplies opposite imports; Intra-State versus Inter-State acquisition producing administration/warehousing loading areas, in-house v/s contract fabricating, direct deals v/s stock exchanges and so on.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Media Manipulation free essay sample
Misdirecting the Public: A New Kind of Public Relation â€Å"It’s all, you know†¦thinking ahead. Thinking ahead. That’s what delivering is. It’s like being a handyman. You carry out your responsibility right, no one should take note. †These words are content from the film ‘Wag the Dog’ which coordinated by Barry Levinson. Have you at any point felt that your convictions are controlled? The film ‘Wag the Dog’ is about the U. S. president’s story which has a political decision in a couple of days and causes sex embarrassment with a secondary school young lady who visited White House for school’s field trip. The U. S. ass media begins accusing and condemning the U. S. President. Therefore, the President’s organization recruits a popular Hollywood maker subtly to control the U. S. broad communications. By making a faked War with PC realistic innovations and broadcasting war scenes on TV, Americans’ worry about the President’s outrage move to war. We will compose a custom exposition test on Media Manipulation or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At that point, the embarrassment issue gets seething out and the President’s endorsement rating increments profoundly. Individuals are anything but difficult to overlook what occurred before when they meet new issues that more influence their life, for example, harmed nourishments, nature catastrophes and War.Mass media once in a while utilize these people’s attributes to change people’s concern and intrigue and get more consideration and backing. Be that as it may, it is hard for individuals to mindful of the control of broad communications. â€Å"Congress will make no law regarding a foundation of religion, or precluding the free exercise thereof; of condensing the ability to speak freely or of the press; or the privilege of the individuals serenely to amass, and to appeal to the Government for a change of grievances†(United States of America). This is content from the primary revision of the U.S. constitution. In this paper, I will talk about how broad communications assumes a job of controlling truth and tricking individuals who don't know about these controls in giving case of Iraq War and CIA. At that point, I will examine how people’s the right to speak freely of discourse and press is undermined by the U. S. broad communications. One side, Iraq war was controlled by broad communications and the Bush organization used to broad communications to legitimize the attack of Iraq. There were numerous antiwar developments against the Bush administration’s choice that reacts of September 11 assaults of Iraq War.Protests against Iraq War declared that Iraq War fundamentally damages global law and human rights. â€Å"International ANSWER which is sorted out the principal post-September eleventh national enemy of war show on September 29, 2001, attracting more than 25,000 dissidents to Washington, D. C. to dissent and â€Å"warn that the Bush Administration’s war approaches were a hazard to world peace†(Simonson 7). In any case, the bramble organization and the U. S. broad communications continued declaring that the reason for Iraq war is the system change that gives Iraq individuals opportunity and freedom and the nation would be sign of one of opportunity nations in the Middle East.However, as indicated by the top Bush authorities, â€Å"the attack of Iraq even before Bush got down to business, however held up until September 2002 to advise people in general, through what the White House named an item launch†(Rampton and Stauber). Also, in supporting the attack of Iraq War to Americans including Protestants against Iraq War, the U. S. broad communications inclusion detailed wrong data over and again. For instance, Washington Post broadcasted the feature of â€Å"Iraqis Celebrate in Baghdad†as opposed to giving truth that Iraq individuals consider American their hero, not their adversary and Muslim Cleric were well disposed to the Americans.The U. S broad communications kept depicting Iraq individuals as forceful and risky. Also, the U. S. broad communications communicated that the 20,000 Iraqi individuals revitalized to contradict the U. S. military nearness which isn't correct (Rampton and Stauber). By covering mass media’s goal to lie, how might Americans realize what is genuine occurring? Iraq War is one of delegate instances of people’s opportunity of press and discourse is damaged. On account of Iraq War, broad communications assumes a job of deceiving Americans in lying. Another model is the control of broad communications by CIA. Mary Louise states, â€Å"the CIA’s mystery actives, clandestine missions and associations of control are totally done under the falsification and assurance of national security with no responsibility at all, at any rate in their minds†(Louise). CIA utilizes each stunt to finish their exercises. As indicated by the Association for Responsible Dissent, 6 million individuals were kicked the bucket until 1987 in light of CIA clandestine activity. Additionally, CIA shaped Office of Policy Coordination which was framed for undercover activity and individuals who filled in as chief of this office were elites, for example, Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms and Philip Graham.Since late 1940s, Operation Mockingbird which was the mystery venture by CIA was begun with purposefully purchasing impact of significant outlets. First class chiefs requested to enroll American news association and become spies to writers. A large portion of significant media, for example, ABC, NB C, CBS, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, and so forth and 400 columnists got together with Operation Mockingbird of CIA and achieved their assignments subtly. Along these lines, the majority of news was constrained by government.In expansion, by pressure about deregulating and privatizing from the IMF, World Bank and US government, few super-ground-breaking media partnership control worldwide business media framework which cause worldwide markets and the CIA plan. Also, as per Ralph McGehee who worked for CIA specialist for a long time in South-East Asia, he saw shelling and napalming of town and this experience was one route for him to look at what truly CIA is about. Ralph expounded on Vietnam’s Phoenix Program and distributed the book â€Å"Deadly Deceits†in 1983 with long endeavors for CIA censors.He was pestered by CIA and FBI with substantial injury. He guaranteed that CIA never has been focal knowledge office. CIA was brimming with undercover activity arm of the President’s international strategy consultants that give disinformation and American residents are first objective of their falsehoods. Also, CIA engaged with sedate dealers in Italy, France, Corsica, Indochina, Afghanistan and Central and South America for over 40 years (Parenti). Broadened congressional examinations dealt with these exercises and these are matters of open record.For case, San Jose Mercury News distributed arrangement of news about CIA-Contra break shipments which overflowed East side of Los Angeles in 1996 and significant broad communications limit these news. Be that as it may, in light of the fact that these accounts were at that point known to individuals, these arrangement couldn't be covered up and broad communications began its ambush. Numerous media, for example, Washington Post, The New York Times and PBS communicated that â€Å"there was no proof of CIA involvement†and portrayed San Jose Mercury News as â€Å"bad journalism†. In the cutting edge age, in which the Mass media is so compelling, it has become a powerful apparatus for â€Å"informing†the public.However, t his data isn't simply realities. This data accompanies values infused into it, either from the system itself or the individuals giving the news. Media control is currently one of the best devices (as it has been since the organization of Franklin Roosevelt) of forming general assessment, which is the foundation of a free nation and majority rules system. Roosevelt by and by supervised that, for instance, accounts of crushing U-pontoon assaults in 1942 were never printed. This was done in light of a legitimate concern for keeping up wartime good, and keeping a positive picture of his administration notwithstanding his declining wellbeing (Dirck 63).In current occasions, we see something very similar occurring. We see general supposition being designed by modern advertising efforts between the administration and the individuals. These crusades deemphasize solid victories and set in their proper place ideological trademarks and triumphant pictures. It is certain that the government has the ability to straightforwardly impact broad communications and shape popular supposition. It is just an issue of finding to what degree this is occurring at the present second and what impact it is having on the course being taken.But one needs to perceive that the media shouldn't be â€Å"biased†so as to introduce a perilously dangerous perspective on the world. General supposition and open obliviousness go connected at the hip, and the media assumes a job in both. Now and then, the media can be impacted by some association, similar to the legislature or a partnership. In any case, frequently there is no immediate control; rather, only a total inability to introduce the realities as they seem to be. While it is all the time dubious separating among purposeful and non-intentional falsehood, it is undeniably progressively troublesome distinguishing what is deception and what is an error. Various models, such as transforming al-Qaeda into Iraqis and running â€Å"War on Terror†flags both while providing details regarding Afghanistan and Iraq, serve to show this trouble. Notwithstanding, general society is as yet being deceived and it is similarly as hazardous. A University of Maryland study found that purchasers getting news from business TV were probably going to hold at any rate one of three principal â€Å"misperceptions†(in particular, that Iraq had been legitimately connected with the 9/11 psychological oppressor assaults, that WMDs had been found, or that world feeling supported an American intrusion of Iraq) (Cohen).This misperceptions disrupt the general flow of any valuable conversation on whether a war in Iraq is e
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tips to Find a Good Scholarship Essay Sample
Tips to Find a Good Scholarship Essay SampleThe first thing that I usually do when I get a scholarship offer is to search for ssu scholarship essay samples. The most important thing that I think is to prepare your scholarship essay. We all know that getting a scholarship is not that easy. You can go on and check online but it really would not help you at all.This is the reason why I have decided to collect these scholarship essay samples. If you are interested to know more about how you can find out what are the different kinds of writing samples available, you can simply check this article out.The fact is that there are a lot of scholarship essay samples that are available in the internet. You can try searching the topic that you want to write about.There is a very good chance that you will be able to come across a lot of samples online. However, if you really want to get good results, you have to pay attention to all the samples that you can find. If you want to learn more about th ese writing samples, you should pay attention to all the information that you can find.If you do not have time to do the research on your own, you can also go to some websites that are offering free scholarship essay samples. These websites will provide you with the latest samples that are available in the market today.There are some websites that are offering free scholarship essay samples. However, there are also some websites that will ask you to pay money in order to get the sample of your choice. So, make sure that you are really interested to pay money in order to get these samples.Most of the scholarship essay samples that are available online are very informative and very interesting. If you want to get something fresh from the internet, you should search for these samples and choose the one that you like. If you want to know more about some sample sites, you can simply check out my blog.By the time you finish reading this article, you should be familiar with the benefits of seeking these scholarship essay samples. Therefore, it would be much better for you to search these samples out on your own.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Responsibility Of Health Insurance Portability And Law...
What is HIPPA and Confidentiality? On the responsibility of Health Insurance Portability and Law (HIPAA). It is illegal to gain access to personal health information for any other than medical care, for reasons of operations, as well as reimbursement of HIPAA legislation expenditures mandated strict control over the transfer of personally identifiable health data between two entities, provisions relating to the disclosure of protected information, as well as criminal penalties for violating HIPAA also has privacy requirements that govern the disclosure of information about the state of health of the patient, placed in protected medical records of doctors, nurses and other health professionals. Always remember, the talk about health care or treatment of a patient is a violation of HIPAA. All included in the PHI privacy requirements, such as: the patient s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition; health care of the person, or in the past, present, or future payment for the provision of medical car e of the person, and that identifies the individual or for which there are reasonable grounds to believe that it can be used to identify an individual. Other identifiable health information is the patient s name, address, date of birth and social security number. There have been some of the ethical issues relating to technology development and use, which will consist of some advances, for example, when in vitro fertilization is used in medical practice andShow MoreRelatedHIPAA: Protecting Our Privacy Essay1007 Words  | 5 PagesHIPAA Identity theft has always been in the back of my mind whenever I use my debit card but I wasn’t too concerned about my health information until I learned about HIPAA. It is a very important set of rules and standards that protects our privacy. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA is a statute endorsed by the U.S. Congress in 1996. It offers protections for many American workers which improves portability and continuity of health insurance coverage. The seven titlesRead MoreThe Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act1609 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen the job of health care providers to maintain doctor-patient confidentiality. Not only is it a legal obligation it is also an ethical obligation to many doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants and many other medical staff. Until recently medical records were primarily recorded on paper and stored in cabinets and locked in what was believed as a secure room. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act also known as HIPAA, was passed on August 21, 1996. Although the law was passed inRead MoreEmerging Healthcare Technology Presentation1353 Words  | 6 PagesEmerging Healthcare Technology Presentation HIPAA: Protecting the Privacy of Patients How important is it for you to keep your medical records private? Many people dont realize how easily accessible their medical records are, or perhaps it is just assumed that what goes on between a doctor and a patient stays between a doctor and a patient. Well, you know what they say about assuming. In actuality, your medical records can probably be accessed by any employee at your Read MoreHealthcare Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Essay1353 Words  | 6 PagesIn 1996 the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act known as HIPAA was signed into law to improve the healthcare system. Now, HIPAA is a wide known law followed by every health plans, healthcare providers, healthcare clearinghouses, and other covered entities. The HIPAA law has many purposes which were enacted in stages. This law provides the ability to continue health insurance for American employees when they change or lose their jobs. This law also mandated a healthcare industryRead MoreThe Healthcare Insurance Portability And Accountability Act ( Hipaa ) Essay1353 Words  | 6 PagesThe Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed into law in 1996 by President Bill Clinton to improve the health care system. Now HIPAA is a wide known law followed by every health plan, health care providers, health care clearinghouses, and other covered entities. The HIPAA law had numerous portions and therefore, was carried out in various stages. This law provides the ability to continue health insurance for American employees when they change or lose their jobsRead MoreAnalyzing The Past, Present And Future Of The Congressional Attempt At The Health Care Reform1704 Words  | 7 PagesAnalyzing the past, present and future of the congressional attempt at the health care reform. Originally presented to congress was the Health Security Act in 1993, which was not enacted until June 2014. The Health Security Act started the foundation for patient privacy and the security of an individual’s health information. As the years passed the Health Security Act became quickly outdated and needed to be updated to complement the sudden progression of current technology advances. Congress wasRead MoreHipaa1174 Words  | 5 PagesAdministrative Ethics- HIPAA HCS/335- Health Care Ethics and Social Responsibility Ruth Bundy September 26, 2011 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA was introduced to the House of Representative in 1996. HIPAA was a huge piece of legislation that was intended to fix many aspects of health care and health insurance, and includes sections that ensure portability of health insurance, simplify the administration of health insurance coverage, and standardize electronicRead MoreHipaa Or Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act Of 1996983 Words  | 4 Pages HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is a set of laws aimed to protect people from losing their health insurance coverage during change or loss of employment, to control health care fraud and abuse, and to maintain patient`s health information and/or status confidential. The origins of HIPAA go as far back as the 1990 when medical records were suggested to become computerized, management of health care records was questioned and portability of health insurance becameRea d MoreSEC440 Week 7 Essay1041 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Compliance By Christopher Knight SEC 440 16 Oct 2014 TO: Company Chief Security Officer FROM: Security Engineer DATE: 16 Oct 14 SUBJECT: HIPAA Security Compliance for Alba, IA Hospital Any patient that is seen by a physician within the United States is to be protected by the â€Å"Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act†or HIPAA, which was passed into law in 1996 (Jani, 2009). All health care facilities dealing withRead MoreThe Privacy And Ethics Of The Connecticut Department Of Developmental Services1457 Words  | 6 PagesConnecticut Department of Developmental Services along with any Information Technology professionals. The information collected and stored within the multiple databases and QSR web application is sensitive and falls under (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) HIPAA laws and require all employees to be considered mandated reporters. â€Æ' DDS Privacy and Ethics for I.T. In a role as a consultant used to develop and maintain the various databases and QSR web application used to collect and
Thursday, May 14, 2020
What Makes Immigration Reform So Hard - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1161 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Immigration Reform Essay Did you like this example? The United States has such a diverse population of people of all races, and ethnic backgrounds, and for that reason, we are a melting pot. Even though we have a variety of different people with a mix of cultures in the united states; immigration reform always comes out as one of the most popular topics in the politics everyday here in the United States of America. Many people assert that immigrants are needed because they take jobs that American citizens do not want to do. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What Makes Immigration Reform So Hard" essay for you Create order Because of that they should be given the opportunity to stay. Still, there are always two different opinions on each topic, good and bad. We have other people who say that immigrants should be sent back to their country right away because what they are doing is illegal and that the immigrants are only trying to take the American citizens jobs and, steal from the country by getting away from not paying taxes. Although, there are a lot of people who feel the undocumented should not be allowed to stay; there are also many others, myself included; who support the idea of immigrants staying. The scale of the undocumented has stretched immensely in our country that a reform of the immigration is absolutely required for the American society. It really is not sustainable for a vast part of the societys life to have an unbalanced or unlawful component; it is very needed for substantial digits of these people who are here illegally to have their lives and endowments legitimized so that they ca n be normalized. The first dispute I want to discuss is that the undocumented will take over all the jobs or leave many American citizens unemployed. This is due to the fact that many Americans request better salaries in comparison to the illegal immigrants who just want to be employed. felbab-brown explains that many of the jobs occupied by undocumented workers in the United States that are physically demanding jobs that Americans do not want. Even though some Americans might be in great need for employment, there are still so many that do not want to take jobs that are hard physical work or low salary; for example, brutal heat condition jobs like plant and harvest fields, or digging canals and waterways in the coldest weathers. Regardless of how physically hard a job can be, illegal immigrants are content as long as they can make a living to support themselves and their family; even if It means long days of low salary jobs. Not only that but, some come into this country with literally nothing. No money, no family or friends, nothing besides the clothes they have on and somehow, they still manage to find jobs and make a living even if it means sweeping fast food places parking lots and sleeping in the bushes just for food instead of waiting or asking someone to give them anything without any effort. This is why it is necessary for them to be permitted to stay so that we have plenty of willing hard-working people in those l ines of work. In the absence of the immigrant workers, a lot of the American economic life without a doubt would endure hardship. Another thing that is said about immigrants is that they do not have a positive effect on the economy because they take the benefits that belong to American citizens and that they also do not pay their taxes. This is big misconception about many immigrants, most immigrants pay taxes for benefits like social security, welfare, and Medicaid and cant even use them. Also, according to the chamber of commerce in 2016, a bastion Reaganite conservatism, released a report concluding that immigrants significantly benefit the U.S economy by creating new jobs and complementing the skills of the U.S native workforce. These undocumented workers are proving that they are here not to steal, but to work and contribute to this country by working hard doing jobs others do not want to do and paying taxes that do not even benefit from. There has been research from The Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy, and the most recent IRS data, from 2015 shows that the agency received 4.4 million income tax returns from workers who dont have social security numbers, which includes, a large number of undocumented immigrants. That year they paid $23.6 billion in income taxes. The undocumented deserve equal rights n ot only because we all human beings but, because we are all descendants of immigrants. another way of indicating the importance of immigration to America is to point out that every American who ever lived, with the exception of one group, was either an immigrant himself or a descendant of immigrants. Besides us all being descendants of immigrants many undocumented people risk their lives everyday leaving their country in pursuit of better opportunities or trying to get away from the poverty and dangers of their own country. For example, the caravan from Honduras has been all over the news. Many people from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua are fleeing their country due to the poverty and gang threats and poverty. they made the decision to leave their home countries, assessing that the danger was outstripped by the danger of facing gang death threats or feeding a family on $5 per day. Its heartbreaking to think about how some people feel like they can not relate to what these people go through on their journeys here. We are so lucky to be born in a country where we have the right to freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. This is why our country is the land of the free, and the home of the brave because our people had the courage to settle on this land, and that is what these immigrants are doing; they are repeating history. Even though there are so many opinions on why illegal immigrants should be sent back or punished for coming into the United States illegally, there is so much proof th at support the undocumented are not here to take jobs or steal from the country they are here to contribute to the country and better their lives, therefore they should have the opportunity to be here legally. Also, because they are working hard and paying taxes they should be granted the same benefits that citizens receive. I believe that the undocumented are not doing any harm by taking the jobs the American citizens do not want. In conclusion so many immigrants come into the United States trying to get away from gang threats, and poverty. These human beings are trying find better opportunities for a better life. I support the legalization of the undocumented for these reasons and because we are all humans that may look different but bleed the same color blood. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, and these illegal immigrants are brave. .
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theme Of The Disneyland Of Consciousness - 1720 Words
The Disneyland of Consciousness is a video clip that showcases the ability for one to be fooled. In the video clip the audience is taken through scenarios and situations that portray a sense of a person’s consciousness being made to think that certain animations are in real sense true. Although the scenarios tend to portray childish thought about the actions being seen, what we stimulate in our own reality may not always appear to be the way we want it to be. In this regard, the theme behind the Disneyland of Consciousness is the ability for an individual to explore the animatronics image that is aided by certain stories of other people’s experiences in the mechanical man-like machine. Is Consciousness physical? Explain your answer†¦show more content†¦The current generation is indeed running detailed simulations of its forebears due to the powerful nature of the computers. Furthermore, the current generation is more conscious of simulation technology thus drawing a red line between the original races with the current race which are the advanced descendants of an original race. Therefore, it is feasible to argue that we are currently living in a computer simulation era and as such we too have descendants who will run a number of simulations in future. What is Issac Asimov’s theory of self-reflective awareness (hint: it is in the film, The Sandcastle of awareness). Issac Asimov’s theory of self-reflective awareness is that we are able to reverse engineer ourselves. Issac compares consciousness to a sandcastle. With the grains of sand we are able to build sandcastles, alter it again and you can reconstruct a tower. Similarly, the brain is bits of matter, just how a sandcastle is bits of sand. â€Å"If consciousness like its sand counterpart is substrate neutral then one could reverse engineer its coordinates and complex intersections and reconstruct it anew in an entirely different medium†(Is the Universe an App 130). Why does Patricia Churchland favor a â€Å"neural†theory of pain versus a â€Å"soul†theory of it? In an interview Patricia Churchland states that saying god breathed life into living things is not true because we know today that life is â€Å"a functionShow MoreRelatedNational Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System1737 Words  | 7 Pagesprogressed to fever, chills, headache, anorexia, and arthralgia. After seeing his primary doctor, he was prescribed doxycycline due to his medical history with tick bites. The next day, he was taken to the local hospital after experiencing reduced consciousness. His treatment of doxycycline therapy was unsuccessful, he was transferred to the University of Kansas hospital (16). Dr. Dana Hawkinson of the University of Kansas Hospital said â€Å"we just couldn’t answer questions for the family and ourselvesRead MoreThe Culture Industry : Enlightenment As Mass Deception By Adorno And Horkheimer1086 Words  | 5 Pagesof a nationalistic hegemony narrative. In both these texts, we see a narrative of unconscious hegemony sustaining a dominant culture. This essay will compare and contrast the two texts in dialogue with the example of the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Federalism and the Civil War Essay Example For Students
Federalism and the Civil War Essay John C. Calhoun was a man of very high stature and intelligence. His ideas and thoughts were expressed very sternly and backed up with concrete evidence. Of course not everyone agreed with Calhouns thoughts and procedures. The man knew himself and his ideas would somehow make a difference in the way that Canada and the United States would grow and be governed. At the time in which John was voicing his opinions many different issues were in the hot seat. A major concern was the slavery in 1838. The public was in an outcry over the touchy issue. John, of course, did not hesitate to voice his true thoughts. Other concerns such as the concurrent majority and the rights of the States were among many of Johns concerns. To truly understand the opinions of this man we must first of all look at the reasons for his positions. Slavery was without a dought the biggest issue in the 1830s. There were many, many attempts to stop the use of slaves among our society. To the majority of the population that this was a positive movement and a step in the right direction. To Mr. Calhoun this was not the case. He can be quoted as saying: Many in the South once believed that slavery was a moral and political evil. That folly and delusion are gone. We see it now in its true light, and regard it as the most safe and stable basis for free institutions in the world. This idea is very complex and needs to be evaluated carefully. In a different light John has a very good point. No one liked the idea of slavery. It seems morally inadequate and wrong. John believed that it set a pathway for free institution. Resulting form slavery he believes that society learned the basic skills for free institution. In actuality he did not necessarily believe that slavery was a good thing. John simply believed that it brought about a better awareness for our population and its leaders to grow upon. As the days on the calendar went by the issues of the world started to change. In 1850 many people were on the topic of congruent majority government. The idea was to replace mob dictatorship or numerical majority. Calhoun was opposed to both mob dictatorship and numerical majority. He felt that both of these forms of government did not represent the people properly. Such a government, instead of being a true and perfect model of the peoples government, that is, a people self-governed, is but the government of a part, over a part, the major over the minor. This leads directly into the strong positive energy towards a congruent majority government. John believed that a congruent government was the indispensable element of forming a well-run constitutional government. He felt that it would create a balance of power among the people. The main and most important idea that came along with this level of government was the idea of compromise instead of force. This would become the conservative principal. Calhoun was one hundred and fifty percent behind this idea. He felt that it would help the people of the minority. This mean of government would allow for the minority to be heard. Also occurring in the 1950s was a discourse on the constitution and government of the United States. Calhoun felt very immovably that the States did not receive their suitable rights. He felt that the Constitution was merely concerned about their own prosperity and well being. We the people of the United States of America, mean the people of the several States of the Union, acting as free, independent, and sovereign States. Within many of Johns strong ideas he expresses that not at any time did the States give the slightest authority to its delegates to form a national government. This sums up his opinions in a nutshell. .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 , .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .postImageUrl , .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 , .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10:hover , .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10:visited , .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10:active { border:0!important; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10:active , .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10 .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc0256fe810980bb4413d44435f2c2f10:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Atomic Bomb Essay The States were not being heard. Their wants, needs, and concerns were being pushed aside. The States deserved better treatment than that and Calhoun wanted to make that known. As we all can see there were many records of concern among the coming of our nation. John C. Calhoun had numerous opinions about .
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